Little tips for great effects!

“A chain draws its strength from its weakest link”
Did you know ? Chewing prepares your food bowl for digestion and absorption of micro- and macro-nutrients, you are what you absorb, not what you eat! Learning to chew, to put down your cutlery, will allow your digestive enzymes already present in your saliva to begin the work of digestion, satiety and especially nutrition.
Not chewing is creating empty calories even with healthy products because they cannot be absorbed and transformed into nutrients to create a source of energy for your cells! find me in a complete chapter of my book... "And you, who do you take for breakfast" at Ed St Honoré, Fnac or Amazon.
March 2022

love and say it
February 2022
"Love and Say It"
Little note of the month of February… easy will you tell me?
And yet to love, to let oneself be loved, to ask to be loved has never been so complicated as today.
Whatever the reasons...we all know them, fear of the other, fear of submission, pseudo-independence, fear of losing control…in short FEARS again and again.
Yet if you knew the gift of love with which we are all endowed, for the good of each and all, an inexhaustible reservoir, which allows us to accept ourselves as we are, to allow ourselves to be as imperfect as we are and all this with the frank certainty that it is very well thus.
The list of benefits for your health is too long but to name three easy to remember:
Increased secretion of serotonin, testosterone, dopamine treasures of youth, energy and health!
Strengthening of deep and postural muscles (perineum, abdominals, buttocks)
Better insulin resistance (lower cravings)….
Find a complete chapter in my book "What are you taking at breakfast" Small manual of positive nutrition - Fnac, Amazon or Editions Saint Honoré.

To breathe
April 2022
To breathe
It's spring, open your windows AIR YOUR head, in the morning when you wake up, take a breath of fresh air in front of your window by taking five full breaths the rule of 555
I breathe in counting to 5
I exhale counting to 5
And I do it 5 times
To do what ?
Filling myself with oxygen, because at night I am in a closed vessel and I breathe in a lot of waste (the CO2 that I breathe out in particular) and that of the people who share my room
Oxygen is the first resource that our body needs to be able to transform all other resources into energy. Without oxygen, the best organic food will be of no benefit since all the metabolic reactions allowing the functioning of your vital functions need above all OXYGEN
Some immediate effects
Calm, relaxation, slow heart rate, improvement of digestive functions....
Test your Respirator page score 53 of the Little manual of positive nutrition " and you, what are you having at breakfast?” Ed St Honoré, available on fnac.com, Amazon and at your bookstore